Woodland Brewing Research
...applied science for better beer
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
15 Minute Brew Recipe Conversion
The 15 minute brew processes works on three principles:
1. The same bitterness of hops boiled in open air for 60 minutes can be achieved in a pressure cooker in 11 minutes.
2. Use of extract where appropriate
3. Use of a 4 burner stove in place of the traditional 3 tier system.
For more information see the articles I wrote for home brew talk:
The Briess website has a nice table of all grain to extract conversions at the bottom of this page:
To convert a standard 60 minute recipe to a 15 minute brew, first change the 60 minute additions to 11 minute cooking in a pressure cooker. Additions between 15 minutes and 60 minutes can be added per the original recipe, if you don’t mind the additional brew time, or they can be scaled to fit the 15 minute time line.
Scaling the hops can most easily be done with a recipe calculator, such as the one found at Brewers Friend. To accomplish this, start by entering the original recipe, then note the IBU’s from each addition. The additions from 50-70 minute can be added unchanged to the pressure cooker. Hop additions less than 15 minutes can remain unchanged. For the hop additions between 15 and 30 minutes, change the time to 15 minutes and increase the weight to achieve the original IBU contribution. For the hop additions between 30 and 50 minutes, change the time to 60 minutes and reduce the weight to achieve the correct IBU contribution.
Next the grain bill can often be reduced by understanding what malt extract is composed of. The table at the top of this post shows the composition of Briess malts.
To convert grain to extract, start by entering the original grain bill into a recipe calculator. Note the original gravity (OG) and color (typically measured in SRM).
As an example, here is a recipe for a Dark and Malty Citra Ale. (Thanks Josh!)
Batch Size: 5g
Boil Volume: 3g
6.00 lb Extra Light Dry Extract 70.6 %
1.00 lb Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) Grain 11.8 %
0.50 lb Carafoam (2.0 SRM) Grain 5.9 %
0.50 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) Grain 5.9 %
0.50 lb Melanoiden Malt (20.0 SRM) Grain 5.9 %
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (60 min) Hops 25.1 IBU
0.75 oz Citra [12.40%] (First Wort Hop) Hops 12.5 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (15 min) Hops 12.4 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (10 min) Hops 9.1 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (5 min) Hops 5.0 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (1 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
3.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
SafAle English Ale (S-04)
Wyeast 1968
Ferment at 65F for 7-10 days
Using Brewer’s Friend Recipe calculator, this beer has an original gravity of 1.056, a bitterness of 84 IBUs and a color of 9 SRM. Amber Malt contains Base Malt, Carapils and Crystal, making it a good substitution for those steeping grains in this recipe. Four pounds of Amber and Two pounds of Extra Light Produces the correct color, indicating that the amount of crystal malt will be correct with this combination of extract.
The resulting converted recipe is as follows:
4.00 lb Amber Dry Extract 53.3 %
2.00 lb Extra Light Dry Extract 26.7 %
1.00 lb Munich Malt - 10L (10.0 SRM) Grain 13.3 %
0.50 lb Melanoiden Malt (20.0 SRM) Grain 6.7 %
1.75 oz Citra [12.40%] (Pressure Cooker, 11 min) Hops 57.6 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (15 min) Hops 12.4 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (10 min) Hops 9.1 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (5 min) Hops 5.0 IBU
1.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (1 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
3.00 oz Citra [12.40%] (Dry Hop 10 days) Hops -
SafAle English Ale (S-04)
Wyeast 1968
Ferment at 65F for 7-10 days
To make this an all extract recipe, the Munich and Melanoiden can be replaced with Traditional Dark Dry Malt Extract. The grain portion of this all extract conversion would be as follows:
3.00 lb Amber Dry Extract 42.9 %
3.00 lb Extra Light Dry Extract 42.9 %
1.00 lb Traditional Dark Dry Extract 14.3 %
The dry malt extract can be added directly to the fermenter. By combining 1 gallon of near boiling water used for the hops and grains with 4 gallons of refrigerated water the fermentation temperature of 65°F can be achieved without chilling. 2 package of S-04 sprinkled directly on top of the wort will provide approximately 200 billion cells which would be adequate for fermentation. 1 packet could be considered “under pitching” but should still make a fine beer.
Monday, May 11, 2015
WYeast 1764 Pacman
The yeast analyzed here has been "harvested" several times and was shipped during hot weather.
Average Viability:
Deviation in
viability = 55.74-49.02=6.72%
Average Settled
Slurry Cell Density: 575 million cells per ml
Deviation in Cell
Density: 156 million cells per ml
Viability is very
low (This may have been due to heat exposure during shipping.)
Cell Density is
low. This is usual considering that
there is very little non-yeast content.
The light packing may be characteristic of the strain or may be caused
by the harvesting method.
No visible motile
pseudohyphae. (Lack of pseudohyphae, as
is the case here, indicates that the yeast was not grown in a stressful
Very little
non-yeast material.
No noticeable
flocculation. (This is very
unusual. It could be a characteristic of
this strain or it may have something to do with harvesting methods used for the
slurry. It also may explain the low cell
Image 38_41
50 live
52 dead
Viability =
50/(50+52)= 49.02%
Image 38_26
34 live
27 dead
Viability =
34/(27+34)= 55.74%
dilution factor is
slide 1
816 cells.
1650x2088 pixels,
400px is one side of a 4nl box.
4.125x5.2x4=86.13 nl
816/86.13=9.47 cells
per nl
million cells per ml
slide 2
1149 cells
1744x2120 pixels.
cells per nl
653 million cells
per ml
average cell density
deviation in cell density
Monday, February 23, 2015
Yeast Starters: Stirred vs Not
If you have heard anything about stirred yeast starters you've probably heard that stir plates produce more yeast than starters that are not agitated. This seems to be a misconception that has been unfortunately widely propagated.
I'm sure Jamil
Zainasheff had the best intentions when
creating his Mr. Malty Starter Calculator, however it seems that brewers have
taken the results out of context and drawn conclusions from the calculator that
I doubt Jamil intend. The data behind
the vastly popular Mr. Malty equation are from growth that had no aeration and
no agitation. (Details of this
experiment can be found in the widely acclaimed book: Yeast by Dr. Chris White
and Jamil Zainasheff. [1] If you haven't
read this book I highly recommend you get a copy.) There is an anecdotal reference to increased
yield from agitation in the book Yeast, however without more detail on how the yield was
compared we can only guess as to what the author observed. It is also common in scientific papers to use
"specific growth rate" (a measure of the speed of propagation)
interchangeable with yield. [2] Without further explanation I can only assume
this is what Dr. Chris White may be refereeing to.
The lack of aeration make Chris White's experiments questionable when used to predict growth on a
stir plate. Oxygen is critical for
sterol production in yeast. Without
aeration an the onset of fermentation the yeast membranes will lack the
pliability they need to bud new cells.
Given proper aeration at inoculation yeast can double four times,
growing to sixteen times the initial population. [3] Without aeration, as was done by Chris White
for the experiments that Jamil used for his calculator, the data show that cell
budding was extremely limited. This limitation follows what may be expected given the volume of dissolved oxygen.
Stir plates produce
yeast faster, but do not produce more yeast.
In scientific papers
on yeast propagation you will generally see that the time frame used is 48
hours. [4][5] Propagation occurs much more rapidly with a
stir plate so at the 48 hour mark there is often substantially more yeast
produced with some form of agitation.
However, given enough time, without agitation a similar amount of yeast
is produced. [6]
Yeast can metabolize
sugar much more efficiently in the presence of oxygen aerobically than without
anaerobically. [7] Using a stir plate oxygen is constantly
introduced. The common conclusion from
these two facts is that with a stir plate considerably more sugar will be
metabolized aerobically than without.
This is, however, not the case due to the Crab Tree Effect.[8] When the sugar concentration is typically
above 0.5% w/w (0.5°P or 1.002 SG)[9] yeast will metabolize sugar using
anaerobic fermentation. The balance
between aerobic respiration and anaerobic fermentation is similar independent
of agitation.
[2] J. Novak, G.
Basarova, J. A. Teixeira and A. A. Vicente,
Monitoring of
Brewing Yeast Propagation Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions Employing Flow
Cytometry. J. Inst. Brew. 113(3), 249–255, 2007
[3] Greg Doss, Yeast Propagation A Practical Approach
[5] C. R. Murray, T. Barich and D. Taylor, The Effect of Yeast Storage Conditions on Subsequent Fermentations,
[8] Crab Tree Effect
[9] R. H. DE DEKEN, The Crabtree Effect: A Regulatory System in Yeast
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The 15 Minute Brew Process
The final article in the series is up on the Homebrew Talk main page. Check it out here:
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Automated cell counting of yeast using ImageJ
Cell count automation isn’t as easy as I expected, and I’ve learned quite a bit in the processes getting it to work well. Hopefully what I’ve figured out will help you to be automatically counting yeast cells and viability in less time than it took me!
Sample Preparation
It takes more than fiddling with the algorithm settings in
ImageJ to get good results. It all starts with sample preparation. The cells should not be clumped up and should
be sparse across the field of view. If
you aren’t staining for viability 5% acetic acid (white vinegar) can be used to
unclump the cells. Unfortunately most
viability stains, such as Methylene Blue and Trypan Blue are very sensitive to
pH and will not be absorbed by the cells at a low pH. Alternatively malt extract can be used. In the presence of fermentable sugars yeast
will naturally separate in order to create more surface area to metabolize the
sugar. For a good image of the yeast the
cells should also be sparse enough to make counting easy. 50-200 cells in the field of view is a good
target. This corresponds to a cell
density of about 10 to 50 Billion cells per liter which will appear slightly
turbid in a test tube.
If the foreground stands out well from the background ImageJ
can better differentiate the cells.
Contrast can be enhanced by staining.
Some common stains are as follows:
- Methylene Blue – Stains dead cells blue. A one to one ratio of cell suspension and a 0.1% solution is commonly used.
- Iodine – Stains cellular glycogen brown. The intensity of the color is proportional to the glycogen content. 0.2% solution is commonly used. [1]
It’s possible to take a picture through a microscope by
holding a camera at just the right spot over the eyepiece, but it’s very hard
to take a good image this way. The
simplest way to get a good picture is by purchasing a USB microscope
camera. An alternative is to use a
camera adapter for your cell phone. Most
cell phones have pretty nice cameras.
The iPhone camera is certainly better than most web cameras, and even
better than most USB microscope cameras.
If you have it, why not use it?
To solve this problem I used a 3D printer to make one. It attaches to the eyepiece and uses rubber
bands to attach to the phone.
Brightfield imaging works well if the microscope is setup
well. Darkfield provides a more crisp
image, but color is difficult to distinguish.
A dark field accessory is available for many microscopes. For mine I printed a disk that can be placed
in the light path normally used for color filters.
Some tips for getting a good image:
- Use a fixed focal length on your camera of about 10”
- Zoom in on the camera as far as possible then adjust focus on the microscope
- Adjust focus on the camera if needed.
- Zoom out on the camera so that most of the field is in view.
- Turn the brightness setting on the camera down (I use -1) to compensate for the black corners of the image.
- Use a low iso and long exposure time for the best image quality.
- Adjust the iris aperture to accentuate the cell membrane, but not so much as to entirely loose the cell color. (Mine is normally almost closed)
- Adjust the focus so that the centers of the cells are bright, but not so bright that the color is washed out.
- Take a picture of an empty field to be used for the background removal.
It can take hours and hours to really hone a process, and
can be quite frustrating if you are working with poor images. I’ve played with this for way more hours that
I should have, and come up with the following procedure:
- Make a background image by blurring a copy of the specimen image.
- Subtract the background with the image
- Connect the shapes with maximum, minimum and blur functions.
- Make a mask by using the Auto Threshold function.
- Find the particles and add them to the ROI manager
- Make the measurements.
Place these files in your ImageJ macro directory to use them. The "Batch Yeast" macro processes all of the images in a folder with the "One Yeast" Macro. The results are saved in a coma separated log file as well as annotated images. Cells detected as being alive are circled in white, dead cells are circled in blue, and trub is boxed in red.
The FIJI build of ImageJ can be downloaded here:
The FIJI build of ImageJ can be downloaded here:
[1] V.E. Chester, Heritable Glycogen-storage Deficiency in
Yeast and its Induction by Ultra-violet Light. 1967 J. gen Microbiol (1968),
51, 49-56
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Starter Calculator
How time effects cell growth is a factor that I have felt is missing in the existing calculators, which led me to create this starer calculator. Another personal gripe I have with the commonly used calculators is their unrealistic implied accuracy. For honesty I have included one sigma error bars on the cell calculations. I've collected data from dozens of experiments and factored it all down into this Excel calculator.
This calculator also lets you select which strain of yeast you are using. Right now it is limited to US-05 and S-04, but I plan to expand this as resources allow.
You will need to enable macros to use this calculator.
This is the Beta Release, so give it a try and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Cell Density Meter Update
When the Cell Density Meter is released we want to make sure we have worked out all the bugs, smoothed all the wrinkles, and that it works seamlessly. Our goal is straight forward operation with complex algorithms underneath to provide accurate measurements in the strenuous brewing environment.
At this point we have several working algorithms and are evaluating how they can best be implemented. The enclosure is in its final stages of fit checks and adjustments.
To put the Cell Density Meter though it's paces I conducted a comparative study of starter growth with and without a stir plate. In summary the yield is about the same, but the cell growth is much faster with a stir plate. Download the full report below.

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