Strain: WLP002
Testing Date: 1/11/2013
Viability: 86%
Total viable cell density: 1109 million cells per ml
Thick viable cell density:
Stress level: Low,
Similar characteristic flavors to previous batch.
Bacteria level: Moderate,
Expect Slight Sourness. (1.62% bacteria per viable cell)
Suggested Pitch Rates:
Pitch rate
Volume of homogenized slurry
Volume of settled cells (Thick cell layer)
100 billion cells for 5 gallons
106 ml
175 billion cells for 5 gallons
187 ml
250 billion cells ifor 5 gallons
267 ml
Viability – Percentage of live cells of the entire cell
Total Viable Cell Density – The number of viable cells in
one milliliter of homogenized slurry.
Thick Viable Cell Density – The number of viable cells in
one milliliter of settled cells such as those at the bottom of a starter that
has been refrigerated.
Stress Level – A rudimentary assessment of cell health based
on cellular morphology.
Bacteria – The percentage of visible bacteria of the yeast
Other notes:
This yeast is extremely flocculent. Viability was counted with Methelyene blue,
and a second test was done with a 5% acidic acid chelating solution. The bacteria level may be a concern. You might consider acid washing the yeast
directly before pitching. (See next page
for more notes)
This report is an
evaluation of the sample that was provided.
There are no guarantees. The
sample may perform differently than the slurry for a number of reasons that are
beyond control. Care is taken to provide
accurate results, however measurement error due to equipment tolerances,
process, and calibration will create deviation in measurement from absolute
values. This is not an evaluation of health or safety risks.
1000x magnification. The
image is about 100 micrometers across.
The un-flocculated cells above were used for the cell count. The stained cells were used for
viability. The combination of the two of
these results were used to produce the viable cell count. Unfortunately acidic acid extracts the methylene
blue from the cells so the two cannot be used coincidently.
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